3 MHz vs. 2 MHz Doppler probes
Why does BabyBeat recommend 3 MHz probes for fetal heart detection when other websites sponsored by other rental companies recommend 2 MHz?
In a word, experience. Our family has been in the business of making and selling fetal heart Dopplers for more than forty years. There was a time years ago when 2 MHz was the most common frequency for Dopplers, but beginning about twenty years ago obstetricians discovered that 3 MHz works better for finding the early fetal heartbeat.
Today more than 90% of OBs, hospitals, and midwives choose 3 MHz because they know from the results of literally millions of exams (not a handful) that 3 MHz works better. It works better because the fetus is so small early in gestation that 3 MHz reflects the ultrasound back to the sensor better than the lower frequency 2 MHz. A 3 MHz has also been proven to work well throughout the pregnancy.
Only in a few special cases does a 2 MHz work better such as on very overweight mothers when the fetus lies very deep. We provide 2 MHz probes as well so if you are unsure about which on to use, consult with one of our customer care specialists and they will help you determine the right one for you (1-888-758-8822). We know that most of you will be happier with the same outstanding equipment chosen by more than 90% of professionals – and that includes a 3 MHz probe.